Missed Schooltime = Missed Opportunities


There are many reasons for chronic absenteeism, some of which cannot be avoided. Students with health concerns shouldn't struggle to make the grade in a traditional class setting. 

Chronic absenteeism affects as many as 6.5 million students nationwide. Whether excused or unexcused, chronic absenteeism is driving students to miss too much school... and it's affecting their future. A growing number of states define this behavior as missing 10% (or around 18 days) during a school year. You may think this covers those high school students skipping school, but in fact, it starts much earlier.

At least 10% of kindergarten and first-grade students miss a month or more of the school year. These children are less likely to read on grade level by the third grade. As students enter middle school and beyond, chronic absenteeism becomes even more common. Whether just a part or an entire day, children often fall behind in school when not in attendance. 

Missing just two days a month of school―for any reason― can be a problem for kids in many ways. For example, chronic absenteeism is strongly associated with failing school. Even more so than low grades or test scores. When absences add up, these students are more likely to be suspended and drop out of high school.

Students are Chronically Absent For Many Reasons

There are some reasons for absenteeism that cannot be avoided. Life happens. Common illness-causing high fevers and fatigue happen. But, if your child is missing many days of school, or a few days every single month, it's important to understand why.

  • A nationwide study {{hyperlink to https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhsr/nhsr118.pdf}} found that kids with ADHD, autism, or developmental delays are twice as likely to be absent versus those without.

  • Children with common chronic illnesses, such as asthma and type 1 diabetes, miss more school when they are having more symptoms.

  • Mental health conditions, like anxiety or depression, may cause up to 5% of children to refuse to attend school.

Add it all up, and this creates a lot of empty desks and missed school time. And while these can be considered excused absences in the eyes of many schools, it can still affect students' performances as well as how the school views them. These missed days can cause schools to withhold credit for these classes.

Student Health Should Be The #1 Priority of Schools

Students with health concerns shouldn't struggle with the anxiety of making it to class on time... or at all. If they need to miss class more than the allowed amount to go to the doctors, schools should work with each student. That's why flexible learning, like Success VLC https://www.successvlc.com/, offers virtual schooling options for those with chronic health conditions. With personalized options and community mindset, virtual plus student-based programs allow students -- who would traditionally struggle in school -- to succeed.

And one of those virtual options is enrolling now! Success VLC is accepting online students to further their education without the hardship of juggling doctor's appointments and classes. Contact us here https://www.successvlc.com/contact-us to learn more about our enrollment options!

Jennifer SprengComment