Advantages for Students/Parents
Welcome, My name is Dallas Bell and for the last decade I have been helping Teens achieve success in high schools. What I have found is many students need a different environment so we have designed a school that allows students options
Do you learn better at 7:30am or Noon? Do you learn better in a group instruction setting or one on one at your own pace?
We offer a college like drop in center so that when you need support you can stop in on your time table and get help, the rest of the time you can work from home
We supply you with the laptop and wireless card and support from teachers online, on the phone, and on-site with evening hours
Can you imagine if we had to have 6 different jobs in a day. If you were a police officer for an hour, then switched to a cashier, then another switch to a UPS driver, then maybe a nurse, a salesperson, and finished up as a tool and die worker. Even if we did a great job in all those fields our day would be exhausting and we would feel like we didn’t accomplish much because of all the changes. That is what we do in traditional schools…6 classes a day with a change every hour. Because of technology we can now offer classes just like a college. We offer the opportunity to take one class at a time and so every 3 weeks you complete the class. This allows you to catch up on lost credits and for many it means graduating with their class or even earlier.
We have prescriptive testing in classes to give you credit for what you have already learned so if you are missing credits based on attendance but know the information you can make up the credits quickly by testing out of material
I think the biggest reason to attend our program is our internship program. We ask you what you would like to do, then work with local businesses to set up internships for you so that when you graduate you have not only earned your diploma but also have a work history with references to show you have the skills to get and keep a job.
Home school parents often choose our program, as they are able to teach their kids at home and have support when they need it (algebra 2 and chemistry)
We also pay for college classes while students are attending our schools so that students will be better prepared for their future.
So to recap the benefits of attending our schools
1) Work at your own time and pace at your home
2) Focus on one class at a time (like college)
3) College like drop in center for support
4) Test out of material you know
5) Let us pay for your college classes and attend while you finish high school
6) Internships with local companies to prepare you for your future